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A member registered Jan 13, 2017

Recent community posts

I really liked the concept of this game, though I do wish there would have been a little bit more of a backstory to it so the player could understand better. :c But the idea of exploring different worlds and learning about the people who used to live there was really cool, I liked that a lot. Also, I personally thought the opening/closing for the doors was a tad bit too loud. I hope to either see you expand on this game or make more games like this. Can't wait for your next game and thank you so much for making this! :D

No problem, you guys deserve it! :D

I really like the concept of the game! I love how I was basically in control of the environment and how I have to be smart about my actions or else I boned myself lol. but I would really love to see you guys expand on this game (why we're in this place to begin with, what's going on, what's up with the monster, etc etc) otherwise it was a really great game for being made in a short amount of time! Hope to see more from you guys! :D

My friend and I saw that multiplayer was added to this and we decided to test it out. :D